This constitutes a bibliography of some of the references used in creating the PBWiz library. They are listed in no particular order. I might note that many of these references contain incorrect information on one point or another and that they frequently contradict each other. Such are the joys of assembly programming. Comments reflect my personal opinions on the text. "The New Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC & PS/2". 2nd Ed, 1988, by Peter Norton and Richard Wilton. Microsoft Press. -- Often contains inadequate detail and is unusually error-prone. Some of the information is unique to this source, however, so it has its value. "Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference". 2nd Ed, 1991. Microsoft Press. -- Bizarrely, the primary examples are for interpreted BASIC (BASICA or GWBASIC). However, there are matching examples for QuickBASIC, C, and MASM. This is a comprehensive reference. You do have to be careful about using many of the routines, as older mouse drivers are common, and they don't support all of the newer routines. Unfortunately, no information is provided as to the release date of any of the mouse functions... "COMPUTE!'s Mapping the IBM PC and PCjr". 1985, COMPUTE! Publications, Inc. -- An old but indispensable reference. The memory map, port reference, and low-level support chip information are very good. "Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems". 1987, by Richard Wilton. Microsoft Press. -- A terrific reference on video from MDA to VGA. The example program for putting the Hercules adapter into graphics mode is rather buggy, however. "Supercharged Bit-Mapped Graphics". 1992, by Steve Rimmer. Windcrest Books (an imprint of Tab Books, which in turn is a division of McGraw-Hill, Inc). -- A quite decent text on various image formats, including .BMP, .MAC, .PCX, .GIF and others. Source listings in C and assembly language. "Power Graphics Programming". 1989, by Michael Abrash. Que Corporation. -- Terrific book, well written, a "must have" if you are interested in programming the EGA and/or VGA at a low level. Superb. "The MS-DOS Encyclopedia". 1988. Microsoft Press. -- Encyclopedic it is. Every serious assembly programmer should have a copy. Covers DOS itself, DOS interrupts, TSRs, communications, lots of handy articles by the best in the business. The BIOS is ignored, however. "The Programmer's PC Sourcebook". 2nd Ed, 1991, by Thom Hogan. Microsoft Press. -- An astonishing collection of data and tables. With comprehensive scope but no depth, this reference can tease by providing insufficient detail. Still, a priceless work. Get one immediately. "Algorithms & Data Structures". 1986, by Niklaus Wirth. Prentice-Hall, Inc. -- Terse text with rather ghastly Modula-2 source listings. One of the few places where sorting and data structures are covered even moderately well, however. If you need to do sorts or b-trees, it's a mandatory text.